The supremo of Aditi Group of Industries, Founder & Chairman Honorable Shri. Dinkarrao Patil a.k.a Mr. Patil was born on the 2nd of June, 1956 in a farmer household in a small village called Ozarde in Walwa Taluka. Lost both his parents early in his childhood and that triggered a life full of hardship. Having lost them deprived him of the guidance required to emphasize on the importance of education; hence he could complete his education only till the Higher Secondary (HSC).
It still depresses him that due to his prevailing family condition, his aspirations of higher studies couldn't be fulfilled. But in a way, this was a 'Boon in Disguise', had Mr. Patil completed his higher education, he would have served somewhere and wouldn't have turned towards business ever. As they say, 'Destiny is unread'; this is Mr. Patil & his biography.
Chairman & Managing Director, Mr. Dinakarrao Patil. His expertise in Marketing and trading is well known in the region. His efforts in establishing the group was recognized by government and various non-governmental organizations. His services are also used by the government in the form of an adviser on food production and marketing. Mr. Dinkarrao Patil is involved in all the strategic planning processes of the company. He is assisted by a highly qualified and experienced team in Product Development, Quality Control, Marketing and Administration.
Mr. Patil's personality USP is 'Patience'. This personality trait has helped him withstand & successfully bail out his family from many disasters time & again. Another of his traits is, his 'Understanding Nature'. He always tries to understand the complexities of people around him and this is evident by the vast following he has got.
The hardships Mr. Patil faced in life has increased his love towards agriculture and livestock is an integral part of it. Even today, he overseas all his business activities himself. Similarly, he also gives personal attention to each & every personnel working in his group of companies. Mr. Patil is like a 'Godly figure' for everyone in his business group and many families & their resources depend upon this group of industries. Mr. Patil's better half, Sou. Mangaldevi has been a strong pillar of support for him. The collective & relentless efforts of this couple is the key to Aditi Group of Industries' steady growth towards the pinnacle, which is worth a mention. Both of Mr. Patil’s sons, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Aditi Group of Industries Shri. Bhagatsingh Patil and Mr. Pruthviraj Patil who is the executive Director of the group are highly qualified.
Both the daughters-in-law too are highly educated. Mrs. Trupti & Mrs. Amruta together manage the packaging industry. Mr. Patil’s nature of individually communicating with every member of his family has gathered him much respect.
This is about Mr. Patil for us all....
Here is a brief about the sapling Mr.Patil has sowed which is now on its way towards the pinnacle.
During his journey in this industry, Mr. Patil very strongly observed that the agricultural goods produced in his area as well as the surrounding parts are not getting its due prices. As this regret of no one taking the mantle to give the due worth to the locally produced goods was worrying the then Hon. Chief Minister of Maharashtra Shri. Sharad Pawar announced a revolutionary decision of the state government - 'State Government subsidy for fruit farming'. The local farmers started turning towards this facility & started producing fruits. Analyzing this fact that if we start fruit processing project, the farmers will get a fair share for their goods. Mr.Patil dared to start ADITI PECTIN in 1992, a lemon oil & pectin extraction plant from lemons. But unfortunately, some wrong suggestions by a few so-called experts & acquaintances from the business led to a huge loss in the lemon processing project. Even after this setback, & he and his team of colleagues withstood firmly and visited the mango processing units of South India to study the intricacies & its benefits. After a thorough research & analysis of the local market, he thought that this model will work and benefit the farmers. In 1994 Mr. Patil started a new production unit of Mango Processing & Mango Pulp manufacturing. Mr. Patil & his colleagues were making all ends meet to get a good market for their new products, but were finding very difficult to stabilize themselves in both, Domestic as well as International market. Even in these tough times Mr. Patil and his team kept persevering and their efforts paid off by finally getting ADITI brand established in the market. Aditi's products started getting recognition in domestic as well as international market and the demand increased. He rose from all this turmoil just like a Phoenix does from the ashes and kept the business alive & running by his sheer courage & economical approach.
The business received a new boost by the cooperation & emerging policies of Sangli District Cooperative Bank along with the valuable guidance, advice & direction by Hon. Shri Jayantrao Patil [ex-finance minster of state of Maharashtra]
ADITI is now a renowned & leading brand in the Mango Processing industry in Maharashtra. Similarly, in our other units of 'Rest of the fruits' processing, more than 300 men & 350 women are working & it's heartening to see an increase of almost 60% in women employees. The number in men & women employees increase to 700 & 750 respectively during the crop season. For 3 months, people come from places such as Nagpur, Nandurbar, Jamkhed, Parali as well as far states like Uttar Pradesh & Bihar to not just work but also became a part of the Aditi family.
Mr. Bhagat Patil, CEO, started his career in 2007 as he involved himself in all production related activities, minutely observing the nitty-gritty at every step. Later, he started focusing on the overseas operations for export.
He has a smart acumen for recruiting and inspiring the team. No wonder that the export activities he heads are poised has taken a leap from Two countries to Twenty five countries in last 10 years. He envisages a range of 50+ organic new products in near future. His untiring efforts along with the team has earned the company multiple domestic & international certifications. Apart from this, the company has also acquired certificates like Kosher and Halal, necessary for the export in some countries.
Always striving to innovate and experiment; he believes in a constant interaction with people to know about their preferences and likes. While being at the forefront of execution; he also makes it a point to fulfill his social obligations. The CSR activity to save water is an eloquent example of this.
Mr, Pruthviraj Patil, Executive Director, started his career in 2010 and Heads Purchase, Domestic Sales & over all administration. His focus is more on the Domestic Sector. He observes that the domestic sector is ever-evolving as an increasing exposure to the global market is bringing a sea change in the preferences and tastes people have; but they still want to preserve the ‘Indian’ flavour. According to him, another challenge lies in having an edge over the competition. He manages to acquire it by studying the changing market trends. His vision comprises of starting an ultra modern retail chain that would spread through the nook and corner of the nation in near future.